Rally Obedience Drop In Classes
AKC Rally is a fun and exciting sport that challenges dog and handler teams to navigate a course of numbered signs that display 10-20 skills they need to perform together. Rally is a great way to build a dog's confidence.
In competitive AKC Rally, which is open to AKC breeds and mixed breed dogs registered in the AKC Canine Partners program, the team starts with 100 points and the judge deducts points for mistakes. After qualifying three times under two different judges, the dog earns a title, which appears after the dog's registered name. Unlike traditional obedience, handlers are allowed to encourage their dogs during the course.
Rally is a sport for any dog, whether you choose to compete or just have fun!
More information:
We offer Rally drop-in classes (all levels) year round at the Creature Comforts training center in Durango on Wednesday and Thursday. Intro to Rally will be set up as a one hour private lesson to go over signs, rules, including two or three course run throughs.
Wednesday 2.00pm Excellent/Master's level
Thursday 2.15pm Novice/Intermediate/Advanced level
$25.00 per drop-in with 2 to 3 runs per class. We accept cash or a check made payable to Diane's Clever K9s.
In competitive AKC Rally, which is open to AKC breeds and mixed breed dogs registered in the AKC Canine Partners program, the team starts with 100 points and the judge deducts points for mistakes. After qualifying three times under two different judges, the dog earns a title, which appears after the dog's registered name. Unlike traditional obedience, handlers are allowed to encourage their dogs during the course.
Rally is a sport for any dog, whether you choose to compete or just have fun!
More information:
We offer Rally drop-in classes (all levels) year round at the Creature Comforts training center in Durango on Wednesday and Thursday. Intro to Rally will be set up as a one hour private lesson to go over signs, rules, including two or three course run throughs.
Wednesday 2.00pm Excellent/Master's level
Thursday 2.15pm Novice/Intermediate/Advanced level
$25.00 per drop-in with 2 to 3 runs per class. We accept cash or a check made payable to Diane's Clever K9s.
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So proud of students Kay & Willow and Lisa & Freida. They attended a Rally/Obedience Novice only trial at the Sandia Dog Obedience Club in Albuquerque, New Mexico March 23rd and 24th, 2019. Kay and Willow earned two legs in Beginner's Novice B Obedience with a 3rd and 4th place and a Rally Novice leg. Lisa and Freida earned a Rally Novice leg with a 4th place and a Beginner's Novice A leg with 1st place. Great experience for these handlers both with young dogs. Congratulations ladies!!
Rally training at Creature Comforts, Durango CO